This is more for me personally, rather than trying to put something new out there. A while back I struggled with getting something simple and basic to work. The reason is that there is usually too much useful information on “options” and “you have to decide”. I took upon myself to document the simplest of authentication flows, when authenticating your call to an Azure service.
Note that not all Azure Services use this way of authenticating. Azure Keyvault does its own thing, and so does Azure Storage.
This article is not a full walkthrough but a condensed walk this way.
The call should look like this
BODY Encoding type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Keys and values:
grant_type : client_credentials
client_id : {your azure client ID}
client_secret : {your azure client secret}
Successful response
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3599",
"ext_expires_in": "0",
"expires_on": "[numeric value]",
"not_before": "[numeric value]",
"resource": "[guid]",
"access_token": "[loooong secure string]"
From postman
The collection can be found here.
What is all this?
Down here, I can fill in some information. Basically you need three things:
- The Tenant ID of the subscription you want to access.
- The Client ID
- The Client Secret.
Getting the Tenant Id
There are a lot of ways to do this. My favorite way is to use an API-call. The API-call will fail but the tenant ID can be found in the headers.
Issue a GET to{AzureSubscriptionID}?api-version=2015-01-01
In the result, look at the headers and find WWW-Authenticate. In the value for that header there is a GUID, that is the tenant ID. The call can be found in the postman collection I uploaded for this post.
Getting the Client ID
This is a bit hairy as there are several steps to do this and some concepts you need to understand. The short version is this: You create a “client” in Azure. This “client” is an identity (much like a regular user). The old “service user” might be a good way of describing it. In the end you will have a GUID. That is the client ID. The best instructions on how to create a client in Azure can be found here.
Getting the Client Secret
This is just bit a further down the page on how to create a client. Make sure you save the key (secret) properly.
Full information
If you need more information on how to authenticate an API call, a very good place to start is on the Azure Rest API reference page.